Neat Little Seam Ripper Trick

I've known how to sew for most of my life but I'll be honest - I never knew the purpose of that little ball on the end of the seam ripper. Well, I just learned about it. Check out this quick little video and see for yourself.

Who knew! Right? Or maybe it was just me that was in the dark. All I know is that I can't wait to make a mistake so I can try it out for myself to see if it really works.


  1. After watching the video, I remember my mom saying the ball goes down, but I had totally forgot it

  2. WHAT? This is the greatest trick I HAVE EVER SEEN! I have always picked every stitch. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Argh! I had no idea what it was for either!! I have been sewing since I was knee-high!
    That is one shiny, beautiful stitch ripper. (I love sparkly things.)

  4. I watched this video and then jumped off the computer to sew. . . promptly sewed three rows of a large block completely wrong. . . What a great opportunity to give this a try! ;) It works amazingly well!!! I had those three rows ripped in minutes!! Thank you!!

  5. Oh my goodness - really! Think of all the time I could have saved over the years!!

  6. Great tip. I always wondered what that ball end was all about... Thanks so much for sharing.


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