December's Monthly Goal

Man, I feel like my life got hijacked. I had everything in order. Plans were set for Thanksgiving, quilting projects were all on track, work and school schedules were under control, and then BAM! Out--Of--Nowhere, things just spun out of control.

First, I underestimated how much I thought I could continue to get done while I had family in town for the Thanksgiving holiday. Next, I started battling a bit of a cold, which didn't seem to help matters but luckily it subsided. What really got me was my headaches. For over 10 years I've battled vertigo problems and a few years ago my doctors finally figured out that a majority of my vertigo was actually migraines. Brains are funny things, especially when trying to figure out what medicines will work without too many adverse side effects. Seems that my most recent meds were giving me awful rebound headaches so they've had to wean me off that one and ramp me up onto a new one. Here's hoping that things level off soon.

I've also taken over Stash Bee for 2017 so there's been a lot of behind the scenes work getting things prepped and ready for new bee year to begin. It's a lot of work but I think it's going to be a great year. So with all that I've got going on this month, I'm keeping my One Monthly Goal for December one that I can hopefully follow through on! I've got my Holiday Wreath quilt all quilted, just waiting for the binding.

As you can see, my cat Oliver is enjoying the holiday decorations and is just waiting for that quilt to be finished too!


  1. While I'm not happy to hear that you have migraines, I'm glad that the vertigo is related and perhaps can be treatable! I hope the new medication is better for you! The quilt looks great, and I think you will do an amazing job with the Stash Bee next year. <3

  2. Glad you're feeling better. We all overbook ourselves sometimes and the body has a way of telling us to slow down. I had migraines until menopause; now I have ocular migraines where I see zigzag patterns but they pass quickly. I keep wishing there was a way I could capture those images for a quilt, though.

  3. thse headaches sound nasty do hope the new medication keeps them at bay, quilt looks good and Oliver looks very much at home under the tree

  4. Oh you have my every sympathy . I am an occasional vertigo sufferer and it's rotten . Mind you so are migraines , is that any better ?

  5. I've been missing you. I'm sorry to hear you have had such difficulty with vertigo and migraines. I am so grateful to you for running stash bee this year. I'm glad you've given yourself a manageable goal and the quilt is a lovely one at that.

  6. Good luck with your binding. Pretty quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal. Can you add the link to the linkup to your post? Thanks!

  7. I'm sorry about your migraines. I suffer from them as well, although I do not get vertigo. Exactly. You're right when you say that brains are funny things. :)

    Good luck finishing your wreath quilt!

  8. Migraines are the worst! Especially when you know you have things to get done. But taking care of yourself and getting the rest you need is important too. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon.
    I have a finished quilt waiting for the binding too. I love that stage and you know you can just relax and soon you can have that beautiful completed quilt.

  9. Oh man, migraines are the worst. Hopefully things balance out and the doctors get them under control. Your quilt is going to look great!

  10. What is it about cats and Christmas trees? They love sitting under them!
    I hope the new migraine medication solves the problem without side-effects.


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